Try getting a simple payment date changed and enjoy the club.
I just searched for a ING sucks website to add my name with this story.I got informed my paycheck would be late and id get the deposit on monday. I tried to get ING to just delay the mortgage payment from the 1st to the 4th so’s I could get my check deposited. I hit a brick wall After about an hour and a quarter of holding the operator couldn’t even help saying she had to have a supervisor < more wait > and could do nothing cause she could not find one to do the authorization .. WTF ??
/..\ ?? So i tried to have them to at least not charge me with fees and penaties since i was calling ahead of that day and did ask a first time in 3 years to delay by a few days. I was answered this in more or less unhidden words : We got to make money. I mean wtf . So conversation kept on for a minute , then the agent started to give me shit for calling a friday afternoon at 2:30 pm. Again . wtf It was 2:30 btw cause i had been on the phone almost two
hours at that point !
Try to reach them when you’re in need of something and enjoy their crappy service and join the rest of us dissatisfied customers.
We were warned by our notary not to use them , we did and now regret it. ING is good as long as you don’t need service , they you will find out what they really are. Crappy service. The worst i ever seen. We will never do business with them ever again and i strongly discourage anyone from considering using their .. < AHEM > services.
Sincerely yours